Pranay Ahuja and Drishti Kapoor are quintessential young, happily married couple in their thirties in the Garden city of Bangalore. Their seemingly smooth ride through life is jolted by a hurricane when Drishti learns about her issues of infertility. With constant failures, miscarriages, and continuous In-vitro fertilization procedures, Drishti spirals into depression. The chase for the baby leads to a strained relationship with her parents, finding solidarity in the people with the same circumstances, and resentment towards people with pregnancy announcements. Understanding her deteriorating mental health and initial denial of the treatment, she diverts her chase from the baby towards mental peace.
This is the story of a woman who has everything everyone else wishes for, a loving husband, an extremely supportive set of parents, a blooming career, and financial security. In order to pursue what she can’t have, she risked everything she had. While drowning in the sea of sorrows, she finds solace in her best friend Naina, who like her, is trying to be pregnant through IVF, Mrs. Seema, a successful business owner and her next-door neighbor, and her boss and colleagues at her workplace.
In this contemporary fiction of pain, hurt, rage, disappointment, loss, love, and hope, follow Drishti and Pranay in their mission to find their purpose, rekindle the lost love in their relationship, and build the world they have longed for.
Targeted Age Group:: 16 years and above
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
My husband and my battle with infertility inspired me. Through this journey, I met the strongest women of my life who encouraged me to pen down what we go through every day. If our readers know someone who are the victim of infertility, they will learn the compassion and support those couples need.
How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
We have met these characters in our daily lives. They are quite relatable. My characters are inspired by the people we meet or have met at least once in our life.
Book Sample
I took at least a million drugs, thousands of injections, and hundreds of consultations and scans, only to have a child in my hand. But all it took was one scan to tell me that my little embryo’s heart had just stopped working, come the eighth week, without me even knowing about it. Technically, I had an inkling because I stopped feeling nauseous and my breasts were not tender anymore. All of the efforts were reduced to
absolutely nothing. My head was so busy making sense of all of this, that
I had no place for grief in my heart or tears in my eyes.
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Author Bio:
Dr. Chhavi Gandhi Juneja is a Clinical Microbiologist, an Infection Control Officer, and an up-and-coming author of the new novel “The Mess in her womb: A couple’s journey through Infertility.” After serving her time in the reputed laboratories and the hospitals of India before and during the pandemic, she got inspired by the resilience of the human race to survive in the adversities, but at the cost of mental peace and lucidity. The misconstrued decisions against the restoration of mental health and the complete obscurity regarding the importance of it, she took some time out to pen down her experiences with two stigmas ruling our society: Infertility and Mental Health.
As a dedicated healthcare worker, Dr. Chhavi has been featured in the Doctors’ day 2020 edition of the esteemed Readers’ Digest.
During her free time, she enjoys a cozy cup of hot chocolate while reading the novels by Cecelia Ahern or Nicholas Sparks.
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